Pre-implantation genetics testing (PGS) is an important diagnostic technique that can provide essential information for genetic counseling. This testing is performed on cells from the female’s body before conception. The process of PGD determines specific genetic diseases or conditions that an embryo may be predisposed to. It has also been associated with greater pregnancy success for couples.
Implantation genetics diagnosis is the detection of defects in embryos prior to implantation and at times of in vitro fertilization, and in some cases even of ova before fertilization. PGS is often considered in much the same fashion as fetal genetic screening. It involves the use of a sample of the woman’s cells to look for abnormalities. For those considering in vitro fertilization, the process of PGS testing can be helpful.
For many women, a successful pregnancy begins with a healthy pregnancy. There are a number of factors associated with determining the health of an embryo. A positive pregnancy test results in the finding of an associated disease or condition. The associated disease or condition is then studied using sophisticated technology to determine the specific genetic abnormalities or conditions. One of the most common abnormalities is the presence of an x-linked genetic disorder where there is an abnormality in the cells characteristic of the females’ sex, like the presence of a small ovarian tumor (one complex). If a woman carries a normal balance of sex chromosome cells, the pregnancy will be normal and the embryo should not be affected.
The procedure of PGS testing is also important when dealing with the issue of multiple births. Multiple births occur when a woman is pregnant with more than one child. Multiple births occur when sperm from more than one donor are used to in an attempt to assist in conception. In many cases, multiple births can occur even after a woman has given birth to one child. A diagnosis of the condition called polycystic ovary syndrome can be applied to single or multiple births, depending on how extensive the examination is completed at each pregnancy.
Many doctors have begun to use preimplantation gps testing to help them determine the health of their patients in regards to the possibility of multiple births. The examination allows the doctor to look into the possible scenario that each pregnancy could lead to. This allows the doctor to design a treatment plan that will improve the chances of a positive pregnancy, lower the chance of multiple births, and better the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Some of the tests that are conducted through PGS testing can be performed before the patient even gives birth. These tests look for problems with the number of chromosomes (two or more) in the egg of the woman that is being studied. Problems with the number of chromosomes can indicate that the woman might be having an unusual imbalance of her hormones. Other indications of unusual hormonal activity can come from the fact that some women have had multiple miscarriages.